Vectra Cognito for Service Delivery Partners (Billed Monthly) - logo

Vectra Cognito for Service Delivery Partners (Billed Monthly)

Vectra Threat Detection and Response for Partner Provided Consulting Engagements

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AWS Marketplace

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Vectra Cognito is an AI-driven cloud and network detection & response (NDR) platform that provides the fastest and most efficient way to prioritize and stop attacks across cloud and data center applications and workloads, as well as user & IoT devices and accounts.

The Cognito® platform accelerates threat detection, investigation, and response using AI to enrich cloud logs and network metadata.

Cognito Detect™ provides the fastest most efficient way to prioritize and stop attacks across cloud, data center, applications, and workloads, as well as user & IoT devices and accounts

Cognito Detect for Office365 and Azure AD™ finds and stops attacks in enterprise SaaS applications and the Microsoft 365 Ecosystem

Cognito Stream™ sends security-enriched metadata to data lakes and SIEMs in Zeek-format

Cognito Recall™ is a cloud-based application that stores and investigates threats in enriched metadata

Vectra Cognito integrates with AWS virtual private cloud (VPC) traffic mirroring to monitor all infrastructure-as-a-service traffic. Cognito also integrates with AWS Security Hub to publish Vectra detections as findings in Security Hub, enabling you to correlate Vectra attacker detections with other data sources for faster threat hunting and incident investigations.

For questions on how Vectra AI will work within your environment, please contact:


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